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  • What is Assaracos?
    Assaracos is a classic real-time strategy game project under development. Inspired by the good old rts game kknd2: krossfire from beam software.
  • What is OpenKrush?
    OpenKrush project is a mod for the real-time strategy game krush kill 'n destroy.
  • Are there custom missions for kknd or kknd xtream as well?
  • Are there custom campaigns for kknd or kknd xtream as well?
  • Are there custom multi maps for kknd or kknd xtream as well?
  • How can i install a custom mission?
    Place file (only .mis and .lpc file) in c:/games/kknd krossfire/levels/custom Go the main menu and select custom mission. Then a list of a maximum of 50 missions will appear. Choose one and the game will start.
  • The game crashed before the custom mission has loaded.
    It is possible that the custom missions no longer work on some systems because the filename is too long. In this case you should change the name of the missions (.mis and .lpc file). It is also possible that the mission has some errors.
  • The game crashed after loading a custom mission save file.
    It is possible that you can save a custom mission but the game crashed when loading the save file. In this case you can try to use a filename without spaces. On some systems, the Game crashed if there are spaces in the name of the save file when loading the save file. For example: Nahoo - Kill all Mutants.lpc Nahoo_-_Kill_all_Mutants.lpc
  • I can only see 50 missions although there are more in the folder.
    That is correct. kknd2: krossfire can display a maximum of 50 custom missions in the menu. No matter how many custom missions you have in your folder, only 50 of them will be displayed. So pick the 50 missions that you really want to play.
  • Are custom missions compatible with steam and gog version?
  • How can i install a custom campaign?
    Place file (only .lpc and .lps file) in c:/games/kknd krossfire/levels Note that this process overwrites the original campaign. Either you save the original files in a backup or install them again. Go to the main menu and start the campaign. Now you no longer play the original campaign but the new one.
  • Are custom campaigns compatible with steam and gog version?
    I'll find out.
  • After loading a custom campaign, I only have a black radar.
    No idea why this happens but the solution is simple. First load the campaign mission and then your save game.
  • After loading a custom campaign, the reinforcement no longer appears.
    No idea why this happens but the solution is simple. First load the campaign mission and then your save game.
  • How can i install a multiplayer map?
    Place file (only .lpm and .mim file) in c:/games/kknd Krossfire/levels/multi
  • How can i select a multiplayer map?
    Go to the multiplayer menu. Under maps you will now find the maps that you have moved into the "multi" Folder. With the numpad control or the arrow keys you can scroll in the map and view all starting points or view the map completely.
  • Are custom multi maps compatible with steam and gog version?
  • I can only see 20 multi maps although there are more in the folder.
    kknd2: krossfire can handle a maximum of 20 multiplayer maps. If you can't find your multiplayer map, check whether you have too many maps in the Folder.
  • Cannot establish a tcp-ip connection.
    The multiplayer code of kknd2: krossfire is Instable. Do not be surprised if you cannot establish a tcp-ip connection. VPN services such as Hamachi still work best. You can find a tutorial in the blog section.
  • Couldn't create new unit bug.
    This often happens with the steam or gog version of the game. Try the kwip mod which you can find in the download area. You can also find an installation tutorial in the blog section.
  • Mission failing at random bug.
    This often happens with the steam or gog version of the game. Try the kwip mod which you can find in the download area. You can also find an installation tutorial in the blog section.
  • Unable to build bug.
    This often happens with the steam or gog version of the game. Try the kwip mod which you can find in the download area. You can also find an installation tutorial in the blog section.
  • Fence bug
    Starting at a certain map size, it's possible for the game to crash if you build a fence or laser fence near the edge. This bug starts at a map size of about 31,000 tiles, a 200x200 map has a size of 40,000 tiles.

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